That’s India media and power of the Pen . Here no-one talked about the Ankik Dhar ...Shilpa Goenka and Anindyee Dhar, who were killed in the Pune terror . Who will remember whether Ankik was an IITian or this was the last Facebook post of Anindyee "I believe in being a beautiful and strong woman who will make heads turn and eyes look up. I am my own princess and I need a prince who needs me," .All our media cares is India becoming " Number 1 in Cricket" and India a peace loving country is ready for the talks with pakistan. Isn’t that shame for us that in 60 years of independence only , we are finding our National Icons like “Tiger as National Animal” and ”Hockey as National Game” becoming extinct . I am happy that our constitution doesn’t made any National language else don’t know what will happen to it . Rather than focusing on the real issues and tacking terrorism (whether its internal “Naxals” or its external “Pakistan sponsored one”) , our home minister Mr. P.Chidambaram is inviting his illegitimate brothers from Pakistan occupied Kashmir to india. Already we have enough of them who burning India’s flag on 15 August (http://www.hindujagruti.org/news/5410.html) and other are hollering that we are Pakistani (http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/India/We_are_Pakistanis_says_Geelani/articleshow/3378137.cms). After all, we have seen the 26 November 2009 ,a ferocious terrorist attack but unfortunately what our media covered was only TAJ Hotel Because at Taj,lot of high class society people and people from foreign origin died . No-one cared about C.S.T. Railway Station , the below picture is more than enough to say any more word on this.

Each day Naxals ,Maoists and a lot of other anti-government elements are killing poor villagers ,police men and our soldiers in the name of freedom from suppression . It is a sad irony that much of the Red Corridor is not only extremely poor, but extremely resource rich, with enough land for potential factories and advanced and efficient farming these regions are also rich in coal, uranium, bauxite and other minerals. But who owns all this wealth? No one and surely not the tribals, under whose feet much of this wealth lies. India needs a revolution ,and if someday that revolution will happen, I am sure that will change the course of history of world.
Aah..!!! Its getting late for me as I have to sleep so that I can wake up .
Sleep with one eye open
Gripping my pillow tight
Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
We're off to never never-land
Something's wrong, shut the light
Heavy thoughts tonight
And they aren't of Snow White
Dreams of war
Dreams of liars
Dreams of dragons fire
And of things that will bite, yeah
Good Luck India .
Bharat maa ki jai,
Aditya Dogra